

Shuffler users can upload here their Maps to share with everyone.

DSI Shuttle v3_1

Size: 143.5 kBCreated: 2013-11-15 10:08Modified: 2016-05-15 19:48Downloaded: 1 247x

A small transport shuttle made from the basic Shuffler palette. The tiles are slipshod to create a fo-hexgrid. Originally intended for "The Dark Star Incident" adventure by Dark City ...

License: License for Free Items

DSI Shuttle v3_1 Hex

Size: 144.6 kBCreated: 2013-11-15 10:08Modified: 2016-05-15 19:48Downloaded: 1 215x

A small transport shuttle made from the basic Shuffler palette with a distored hex overlay (to mesh with the slipshod square tiles). The hexes require the User-Images plugin and the hex overlays ...

License: License for Free Items

Room 017 v1_0

Size: 79.9 kBCreated: 2013-11-15 10:08Modified: 2016-05-15 19:48Downloaded: 1 274x

A small double bunk military guest room made from the basic Shuffler palette with a distored hex overlay (to mesh with the slipshod square tiles). The hexes require the User-Images plugin and were ...

License: License for Free Items